Stack's Snack: Grapes and Cheddar Cheese
Am I always eating cheese? Yes. Cheese is good. I hear it is excellent for cholesterol. lol lol. Okay, but this was a suggestion (so it isn't my fault I am eating cheese... I'm doing what the people want!). I had never mixed cheese and grapes. I have mixed apples and cheese and let me tell you - also delicious. Cheese and grapes 10/10 and it shall be in my snacking rotation. Thank you for the suggestion. You all are changing my snack game. Have a snack? Tell me! (I will not be eating cheese for my next blogging snack. I promise.)
On my Desk: Baby Beluga in the Deep Blue Sea

We've got glam shots and close ups of this sweet baby beluga whale invite. Is this a custom project for myself? Yes (I mean technically it was not FOR me). Did I do a Baby Beluga themed party for my little sweet one year old? Yes. I did. He really likes this song. Yes, you are right... he has great taste. It's been there for him during some hard times... like 7 minute car rides, when dinner is taking too long, when going to the post office is just far too much to ask, when he doesn't feel like boating but he finds himself on a boat... the uses for this song are endless.Â
Anywho, back to paper. Did she really do a different color envelope for every invite? Yes. I did. We can just chalk that up to one of the many perks of having a stationery company.Â
Snackable Story: They See Me Rollin'

Success! We have a press! But, a VERY important part of the press was pretty well spent - the rollers. On my Peerless press I have 3 rollers that transfer ink from the ink plate onto the printing plate. With heavily damaged rollers I was not going to get very far printing... even ink coverage is key. You can see the rollers in the photo above - they might not look too bad. In real life, the rollers had holes in them and the rubber was worn and wrinkled. I could print with them and I did practice with them... but the print quality was just not great. Fine for practice, not fine for very cool greeting card line I had in mind.
Lucky for me the letterpress community is a really inviting space. People like to give advice and help each other out. Thank goodness for resources like Briar Press and Ladies of Letterpress. While browsing Briar Press I was able to find out that one of the only letterpress roller makers lives... 10 minutes across town. What in the heck are the chances?! (For readers that do not know - I live in a small town in the Midwest... this really was very wild!)
Todd at Todd's Press Time 10/10 would recommend. I mean the guy popped over and measured the press in person to make sure the rollers were the best fit. He was so kind and knowledgable - sharing many tips and tricks for caring for the press. Huge bonus - he brought over samples of prints and a very cool book about printing. Side note: one of the prints he brought over was a hot dog. I love hot dogs!
Once I had new rollers I was ready to get well rollin'. Lol I couldn't help myself. Stay tuned to learn more about letterpress printing in the garage.Â