Oh Boy! Big Announcements and New Collections

Oh Boy! Big Announcements and New Collections

Stack's Snack: Apple Picking Season

Oh, hello. Did you think I stopped snackin'? I could never. I went apple picking with friend of the blog - sister Kelly and our sons. We both got one small bag of apples... Have you apple picked with 1 year olds? She displayed her apples nicely in a fruit bowl. I immediately made myself an apple crisp. 

Photo evidence of my apple picker because my apple crisp was so good I did not even think of snapping a photo of it.

Snackable Story: Questions for the Momtrepeneur...Continued 

Flashback to January 22, 2024 when you read and giggled at (I hope) Questions for the Momtrepeneur .

I answered some real hard hitting questions like: what will you do if you have another one?

Answer: I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

Lol. What an answer. Whelp, here I am... crossing that bridge. Baby boy round 2 is coming soon. Like real soon. I think I might need to install a carseat or buy a pack of diapers or wash my baseboards or repaint my stairwell. KIDDING. I repainted my stairwell yesterday. Check that off the list. Anywho, he's due to make an arrival in the beginning of October.

So, what will I do if I have another one? I can better answer that question now... Well, I can answer the part about how I prepared before hand and what the game plan is moving through the next few months. Everything after that is.. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

I'm what we call a planner. I made a lot of collections ahead of time. I designed, printed, and took paper glam shots of my fall and holiday collections early. I also released them early because I knew I would run out of time.

Fun news you can shop these collections now!

The Fall Collection  - what you can expect: spooky/silly/fun/cute - think fall birthday + thanksgiving cards

The Holiday Collection - the vibe: classic/traditional/cozy

The Holiday Tag Collection - new improvements: bigger/better ribbon hole for you fancy wrappers. Oh, AND! I have a new sticker sheet gift tag set.


What exactly is my game plan for the next few months?

Well, I printed loads of inventory early. If you see something you like - don't wait on buying it. I will not be able to restock holiday items. 

I stocked up on all of my necessary shipping materials. 

I prepped as much as I could so that I can pick orders and send them out. Keep in mind I will be a bit slower while I get used to the having two kids while being a stay-at-home-work-from-home-mom. 

I will not be taking on custom letterpress projects at this time.

The overall game plan is - just do my best. 

Announcement for The Quarterly Card Club 

Quarterly Card Club members! This part is for you :) Fun news! Your card boxes are coming just a wee bit early this quarter. Mostly because I'm supposed to have a baby the week these are supposed to reach you.

Non card club members - you should sign up if you want in on this box (October, November, and December)! 

Wowza - what an update. 

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Super Mom! These holiday collections are so good. I’m excited for my new box! Sending you all the love as you enter this new season with baby #2

Jacqueline D

So happy for you Katie!

Lucy Tonyan

Yay! Very excited for all of this announcement.

Rachel Guild

Congratulations! That is all wonderful news! :)

Mark Alstott

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