Guess who's back, back again? Stack is back. Tell your friends. NAME THAT TUNE!Â
Stack's Snack: A Cheese Stick
Paw Patrol flavored cheese stick. I like to think the packaging adds flavor. CHASE IS ON THE CASE! That's for you Lu! (Lu is 3 years old but I like to think she will read this.)
On My Desk: Holiday... HOLIDAZE
I should make that a card next year. And that folks is how I think of cards.

This is a very staged photo because my desk is embarrassing and simply cannot share the current state. We have so. much. holiday. goodness. on. the. desk. (Yuck, I hate the way I wrote that.) Anywho, have you checked out the new collection? This is my favorite card. That card is also Vol 1 Colin's favorite (just in case you were wondering).Â
Snackable Story: A Hunk of Metal on the Move
We movin' baby! Lol. As if it was that easy.Â

Okay, so... we ran into some issues. Remember when Vol 1 Colin was strategizing how to get the press out of the worlds smallest basement door and up the narrow staircase? Yeah, me too. Turns out the basement press did not fit out the basement door. It also did not fit up the worlds skinniest staircase. What even is building code? AND as I'm sure you all predicted... it's like really heavy.Â
I was not interested in getting smooshed by a 1000 lb letterpress... we had to call in the professionals. They detached the fly wheel, marked loads of parts, took pictures of things, strapped down the letterpress, and safely brought the press up north. Is that overly simplified? Yes. And if you have an eye for detail you probably noticed the snow melted. #blessed

As previously mentioned, I am small. In modern times I probably still need to be in a car seat (I'm kidding people). Press moving is just not what I was built for. What was I doing during this very exciting time? I was rearranging and organizing the garage to become my new letterpress studio. Summer was coming. Open garage door printing in the sun seemed like a VERY good plan. Winter in the unheated garage was a later me problem (lol).Â

Pictured here are our letterpress mover friends placing and rebuilding the press. We honestly could not have done it without them! They were really cool people - a father/son duo. Full of fun stories about print shops and press movin' all over the country. Like lifting and moving presses out of 8 story windows... what?!
Okay. So. We have a big girl press. We have a garage studio space. What comes next? The Saga continues...
Lu really appreciated the shout out! Loving this story!
The story is getting better and better. Wondering what VOL 1 Colin was doing during the dismantling and reassembling of the press. I imagine he had hoped to be a helper. LOL.